Breakouts on my chest and neck!


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Jul 22, 2016

Sophie A.

Acne is common and it is usually treatable if you use science based products. I had heard about Solvaderm skin care brand which has science based products and there is one product called Zeroblem for treating acne. It is a dermatologist-developed spot treatment designed to clear up breakouts quickly.

Jul 20, 2016

Camryn L.

thank you guys!

Jul 20, 2016

Kiran T.

I'd suggest going to the doctors to make sure it isn't anything serious. Try not to put rubbing alcohol on your skin, it will dry it out. I wouldn't suggest using shampoo either as it isn't pH balanced for the face. Instead try using a damp warm washcloth and see if it brings the bumps to a head which will promote healing. Your doctor may recommend a BHA like Salicylic acid to help clear out the breakouts. You can also try tea tree oil. Goodluck!

Jul 20, 2016

Brook A.

Wash it with your facial cleanser, but I've also heard that the Head and Shoulders shampoo is a good acne solvent for body and facial acne as well as a shampoo. Hope that helps

Jul 19, 2016

Camryn L.

All of a sudden I'm having these pimple like bumps appear all over my chest and a couple up my neck and under my chin. I have never had this before which confuses me because I've never had bad acne or breakouts? I've been trying to find out what it is, but I haven't used any new products. I put rubbing alcohol and an astringent on it but it just doesn't go away? What can I do??