Curly puffy hair help!!


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Jul 27, 2016

Sarah S.

Thank you all so much!! That really helps.

Jul 27, 2016

Kailey L.

I'm a little late to this thread, sorry! But I personally think the most foolproof (though not necessarily the easiest) way to get sleeker hair is to blow dry it straight before you straighten. It takes a lot of practice, but once you get good at it, you'll barely need your straightener. You just need a good hair dryer (I love my babyliss one) and a large round brush. Pick up a section of hair and twirl the brush through it TIGHTLY while holding the dryer nozzle at a slight downward angle (so the grille is facing the floor) as you work from roots to ends, in 1 inch sections. Not going to pretend like it's not a pain in the butt but I think it's better than putting your trust in a product that may or may not work for your curl type, since you have all the control.

Jul 26, 2016

Jackelin R.

I have frizzy curly hair and it's such a pain when I straighten it! I have noticed that when I "prepare" my hair to be straightened it does sometimes look better. I use this Shea moisture curly hair moisturizing cremé and add my heat protectant when my hair is wet. Even if I haven't washed it that day, I'll damp it and add the products then let it air dry. Then I'll add a little of my coconut oil to my ends and brush it out before straightening it. It comes out smoother and softer. P.s sorry for this long paragraph I tried my best to include all details lol.

Jul 26, 2016

Allison W.

I would get a consultation with an experienced stylist. I'm a curly girl, but I love it because I'm lazy and I hate straightening it, even though I like how straight hair looks. He or she can tell you if you're a candidate for a smoothing treatment. If you are, you'll only have to air dry and quickly pass a flat iron over a few coarse and unruly sections- it will simplify your routine and last 4-5 months. And talk about shine!!✨

Jul 25, 2016

Diana T.

Have you tried using a moisturizing oil like argan or jojoba oil? They work well to get rid of frizz but I'm not exactly sure what you mean by poofy - do you have a photo of your hair?

Jul 25, 2016

Sarah S.

My hair is very thick and curly. When I straighten it, it takes about an hour. I divide into small sections and take my time. I use heat protectants in my hair. My flat iron is new and I did a lot of research on it. Although it works better than my old one, it's still not what I imagined. My hair is always poofy at the top and not the slick and shiny I would want. I just want it to stop puffing up at top and I think it would look good! Can anyone help me?