Is it my skin or foundation? HELP.


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Sep 17, 2016

Katie G.

So everyday I wash my face and moisturize and let the moisturizer sink into my skin for as long as I can. Normally I would use a primer but mine is all gone. (Any primer reconditions for combo skin?) then I use the Loreal infallible foundation. I've used my fingers, beauty blenders, and all sorts of different kinds of brushes. I heard someone say that if you sweat a lot not to set your foundation because the sweat will be trapped between the foundation and powder. Yesterday I set half of my face. But by the end of the day I could drag my finger across my face and everything would come off. It looks cakey. Here is a picture not from yesterday but when I first started noticing this. If anyone has a primer, foundation, or powder recommendation please help me out! I have both super oily and super dry skin so it's really hard!

Sep 17, 2016

Katie G.

Here's another picture.

Sep 17, 2016

Avery G.

Maybe you have dry skin if it is winter at your place then that is the cause otherewise what Katie said might be correct.

Sep 17, 2016

Katie G.

I do exfoliate but my derm told me not to use anything that scrubs like micro beans and stuff. When I try to exfoliate my skin burns like crazy and gets red and even after I wait an hour to wash my face my super gentle cleanser burns.

Sep 17, 2016

Alexis C.

What are you using to exfoliate?

Sep 17, 2016

Kimberly J.

Benefit porefessional matte primer! and set your face, but with a mattifying spray. it won't make your foundation cakey like a powder, but will help it stay still. there's an urban decay oil control spray that might help. and try facial peels, they help clean out your pores and clean the oils from your face, without drying it out so much that your skin beings producing extra oils to make up for it. hope this helps!

Sep 18, 2016

Kelly V.

What are you exfoliating with? it looks like you have a lot of dead skin and dry patches. what's your moisturizer? I really don't think it's your foundation. looks like you need a more in depth skin care routine. I personally love the clarisonic. it schluffs all that dead skin and crap off. also helps your moisturizer sink in. another thing, your moisturizer might not be moisturizing enough. Lot of times when the skin is dry it over produces oil to try and compensate for lake of. I love argan or jojoba oil. oils actually help to combat oily skin.