I'm hopeless with my hair I need advice 😩


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Sep 29, 2016

Anissa J.

Hi guys as you know I chopped my hair off recently and it's been weeks since I didn't straighten my hair I'm letting it in it's natural state , I don't know if it's because I bleached it months ago but it doesn't want to achieve it's curl pattern , it's softly waved volumized and bit frizzy but its not curly nor that wavy and it looks horrible , I tried to use curly hair products I tried to let it air dry with and without products I tried heatless curls overnight and none of this is working I'm so hopeless I want my natural curls/waves back.

Sep 29, 2016

Kiara H.

If you straightened your hair after you cut it, you could have straightened it too much so that it won't curl.your hair has memory and if you straighten it too much it will become straight

Sep 30, 2016

Kera Leigh E.

Your hair is just fried. You just need to grow it out and cut it. There is no products on the marked that will fit the cuticles on your hair to make them smooth again. Just cut off what is "dead" and start over. I promise your new growth will be the same as it was. Your hair will never change its "shape" unless you go through something crazy like chemo and radiation. The cells that determine your hair texture will never change.

Sep 30, 2016

Anissa J.

I did not straighten it when I cut it , just before cutting it I used to straighten it a lot.

Sep 30, 2016

Anissa J.

And my hair is not dry or fried so I don't understand.

Sep 30, 2016

Anissa J.

I may be thinking that my hair is heavy with products I use in the shower so imma try and switch.

Sep 30, 2016

Kiara H.

Is your hair actually curly or did you do something to make it curly before. if it is than when you shower and wet it your natural curls should be defined. you can try using bentonite clay to define curls. that's what I do when I need to set angle and what not and it really helps because my hair is extremely curly. but if that doesn't help that I would say it's damaged or you didn't get enough off. other than that I wouldnt know

Sep 30, 2016

Anissa J.

My hair is naturally curly/wavy , I will sure try that out!