Braces and wedge?


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Sep 17, 2016

Amber R.

Hi! I recently got braces and they put a wedge like thing on the back of my front teeth without saying what's it's for? I can't chew with it on so I've been swallowing my food. what's it for and should I go back because I can't eat properly? thanks.

Sep 17, 2016

Amber R.

And does anyone know what it's called?

Sep 17, 2016

Alexis C.

I would call your dentist/orthodontist office and ask them. They'll have the exact answers for your particular situation.

Sep 17, 2016

Jackie S.

From my experience getting braces, as well as dental work done by my father, wedges are usually put in place to create space. However, they should not be blocking your ability to close/swallow. Many times, they are used for the procedure only. I'd call and explain. They probably forgot to sand it down

Sep 18, 2016

Erin M.

I have them. 😂😂 they are called "bite blockers". They're basically used to prevent you from biting on any brackets. You'll probably get them removed after around 2 months. Just depends on what teeth you're biting on. It gets easier to chew! And it gets better! I promise. ☺️

Sep 18, 2016

Amber R.

Why do I have one in because I only have top brace not bottom?

Sep 18, 2016

Shae-Lynn S.

I'd ask your orthodontist since they would be the ones to know what they're doing with your teeth. I'm surprised you haven't asked them.

Sep 18, 2016

Amber R.

Does this mean I need 4 teeth out??

Sep 18, 2016

Alexis C.

I'm going to reiterate what I said yesterday and what Shae-Lynn has said. You need to call your dentist/orthodontist. They're the only ones who have the answers to your questions because they're the ones that treated you.

Sep 19, 2016

Shae-Lynn S.

You might since I see stuff listed for extractions and crowding is checked off. But one of the boxes for extractions isn't checked. Is your orthodontist not communicating with you? I feel like you should know what's going on as this is your month. Contact your orthodontist, we can't give the best answers.

Sep 28, 2016

Hattie D.

Have to contacted your dentist? Only your dentist knows your situation very well than any of us. You should build a good relationship with your orthodontist. I recently got 6 month braces from Dr. David Silberman's clinic in Houston ( )and my 4 teeth were extracted. So I think you might need to extract your teeth. Just clear it with your dentist asap.