Haircolour desaster 😱


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Sep 20, 2016

Alina E.

I was brown and wanne be as in the pic. Look what they did! I hate the hairdresser!!😞😞

Sep 20, 2016

Alina E.

What I wanted

Sep 20, 2016

Alina E.

What I get. In real it's more orange.

Sep 20, 2016

Jessica B.

Ask to get your money back

Sep 20, 2016

Jackie S.

I'd go back and speak to the manager/owner. Say that you show the hairdresser specific picture and you're not happy with the results and they will either refund you or fix it.

Sep 20, 2016

Alina E.

I did.. and they don't care of what I said :( I bought a hair colour at a drugstore. I will be brown again in a few minutes.. but I am so sad because I spent 86€ at the hairdresser for.. ugly colour.

Sep 20, 2016

Angela J.

You could try toning it instead of redying it if it's not too late!

Sep 20, 2016

Jackie S.

That's unbelievable that they wouldn't do anything about it!! Definitely write a review about the place warning people against getting their hair done there.

Sep 20, 2016

Alina E.

Yes it is a toning :)
I will do that! I hate them so miuch!!

Sep 20, 2016

Deborah S.

I'm not an expert with hair colour but to me it looks like what happened is that the picture of cara is more of a balayage getting gradually blonder but the hairdresser wasn't trained on balayage so she just did highlights instead. that is what almost happened to me but luckily they were honest enough to tell me that's what they could do instead of the balayage. The price you paid seems too high for highlights as well in my opinion. I'd go back and make a right fuss. so sorry that happened to you. :(

Sep 20, 2016

Alina E.

Brown again.. yes I think the same.. I have no idea.. but well. I am brown and a bit happy :) and I ordered a pizza so I will be happy again soon. Thank to you all that you support me ☺️

Sep 20, 2016

Grace N.

The last post made me smile.

Sep 20, 2016

Alina E.


Sep 21, 2016

patty s.

I am sorry that happened to you. You should write a review. And I like how you look with dark hair.

Sep 21, 2016

Cara G.

I am shocked that the salon refused to rectify the situation. That is BAD customer service. Normally I don't like the idea of a negative online review of a business but in this case you are completely justified. You gave them the opportunity to correct their mistake and they chose not to. I agree with the other girls who said that you should write a review of your experience.

I'm sorry this happened to you, Alina, but I'm glad you were able to fix it yourself at home. And that you enjoyed your pizza :)

Sep 21, 2016

Elizabeth I.

So sorry about your haircoloring experience. I had a similar experience I wanted to get auburnish-reddish highlights in my hair and it turned out bleach blonde. Plus it was a neighbor who did it so I couldnt do a thing about it lol 😬. But you look gorgeous with your brown hair you are so beautiful!

Sep 22, 2016

Yesenia E.

It doesn't look bad how they had left it. But it's definitely not like the picture/way you showed them you wanted it. Usually they do fix it or re-do it if a customer is not happy with the results. It's a shame they didn't even bother trying to make the customer (you) happy. So sorry that happened to you! I agree with definitely leaving the place a bad review!