Foundation breakup and emphasizing dry spots??


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Aug 29, 2016

Marleen B.

I've been using retin A & retinols for 20 years & what you're experiencing is normal. I agree in slow down on the usage and do not apply more than directed. Most people starting retin-A, slather it on like a moisterizer. Retin A is a very potent product esp. for those who have sensitive skin or have not acclimated their skin to it after a period of time. And again, it's normal not to notice the peeling without makeup on. There a very few foundations that will lay down the peeling skin so it's not noticeable. I'm sure you're dermatologist will say to slow down a bit too.

Aug 28, 2016

Mads M.

I'm going to ask my dermatologist what's best but for now I'll go back to every other day.. It's weird because it's not noticeable when the makeup isn't there. I use born this way by too faced so I was surprised since that's a pretty "moisturizing" foundation. I am not able to exfoliate with my retinoid because my skin would literally freak out lol but I will ask my dermatologist like I said.

Aug 27, 2016

Kitty K.

Just to go over what you said
You started using retinoids daily about a week ago, and this issue just began happening a few days ago.
It seems the issue is related. Amp down the useage of your retinol to maybe every other night. Too much dehydration can damage your skins ability to heal itself. Moderation is important in skin care? Wait a bit for your skin to gain moisture again. You can also purchase a more hydrating foundation as well if your skin is going to be put through medication. My favorite is MUFE Face and Body, now re named to Water Blend.
I used this after doing chemical peels and it did not show any dryness! Fantastic product.

Aug 27, 2016

Kiran T.

It looks like your skin is peeling a bit due to the retinoid you started using. It's totally normal. You can try exfoliating, I've always been told it's best to use a physical exfoliator when using anything with retinol in it, like a damp warm wash cloth (gentle) or a gentle scrub (nothing containing harsh seeds or nutshell grit) maybe you could try a homemade sugar scrub. That should take the texture away and you may exfoliate up to 2-3 times a week depending on how sensitive your skin is. Hope that helps!

Aug 27, 2016

Mads M.

I've tried every foundation I own with a beauty blender and a brush AND I've tried my BB cushion too...I even tried waiting 10 minutes after applying my moisterizer...with and without primers... but for some reason for the past few days as soon as I put on my foundation it looks horrible. does anyone know how to fix this?? I'm desperate :(

I started a retinoid about a month ago, I don't know if that has to do with it...i just started using it every day about a week ago