Would a nose piercing work for me?


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Aug 27, 2016

Marnie M.

Welcome to the club. I bet it looks wonderful on you.

Aug 26, 2016

Sarah P.

Thank you guys! I actually just got home from getting it done, it definitely wasn't as frightening as I thought it would be!

Aug 26, 2016

Lainee I.

I think it would look great on you! I agree with silver as well.

Aug 26, 2016

Breeze T.

Okay so I went and applied powder for this picture because the definition of my pores was too sharp! So yeah, this is how low my piercer did it. Excuse my side profile hahaha!

By the way, I moved the topic to Style because that's where we categorize all piercing and tattoo related questions.

Aug 26, 2016

Breeze T.

I just changed mine yesterday, I got a tighter fitting ring which I like very much. The only downside is that the other ring I had was silver and I had it dipped in gold by my jeweller, it was lovely. But it took him about 3 weeks to do it so I just want to keep this one on lol. So now mine is silver.

Anyway, back to your question: you would look great with one, I have a similar shaped nose! I got a stud with a You shape on the inside to begin with and kept it for about 1 month and a half if I'm not mistaken (it's been a while). My piercing is quite low so with a bigger hoop it looked quite loose but now that I have a snug one I'm so glad I didn't get a super high piercing. Here's a picture for you (brace yourself- no makeup!)

Shaye knows so much, I trust her opinion on piercings :)

Aug 26, 2016

patty s.

Absolutely, and I second the sterling silver.

Aug 26, 2016

Shaye M.

In my opinion if you wear gold jewellery and that's your preference apposed to silver, get gold. I prefer rose gold however all my piercings are silver so it's an expensive task to change them all to match each other so I'm waiting until I have enough money saved for more rose gold stuff, I personally can't wear both gold and silver it makes me feel weird like they're clashing. Also, I know you said you want a stud but I just wanted to let you know that any good piercer will ONLY put a stud in to begin with, so if they're asking if you want a bar I'd wonder how qualified they are~ I say this because when you have a nose stud in its usually for the purpose of having the piercing heal straight, if a piercer was to put a ring in on day one it'd heal differently and you'd never be able to get a stud in comfortably, just something to keep in mind as a lot of people persist on a ring as soon as they get it but realistically speaking a stud is the way to go for the first 6/8 weeks, I do recommend waiting about 10 weeks before putting a ring in though they can feel sensitive the first time you use them.

Aug 26, 2016

Taylah H.

Yes it would absolutely suit you. And Sophia is right silver is your colour!

Aug 26, 2016

Sophia G.

I think you would look great with a nose piercing, I would go for the silver because from the photo it looks like silver would suit you really well and it would go with everything.

Aug 26, 2016

Sarah P.

I put this in beauty because I'm not sure where else I would put it, so I'm sorry if it's in the wrong category :). I turn 18 tomorrow and I've always wanted a nose piercing, so I'm planning on doing it tomorrow. I'm just wondering if it would look alright on me? I'm planning on getting a stud for now and possibly a ring in the future. I've asked family and friends but I just wanted an unbiased opinion, as sometimes people close to you think you'd look good with anything lol. And what colour stud should I get? I was leaning towards silver, but I have a gold necklace that I never take off so should I just go with gold instead?