Sea Salt Spray and Color Treated Hair?


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May 28, 2016

Diana T.

Yeah Hayley has the right idea - if you want something to make your hair wavy invest in a curling mousse or hair spray - or just try to style it wavy - you can try big foam rollers in dry hair overnight or loosely tie your hair in sections around clean socks - those are my favorite ways to get defined loose waves - but my hair is naturally wavy so I only do that to get it more curly but the looser you wrap them the more wavy it is and you can brush it out to get it wavy too.

May 28, 2016

Amy A.

Thanks!! That's good to know :) have you tried any others that do work for making it wavy?

May 28, 2016

Diana T.

I use the not your mothers and I have color treated hair too - but to be fair I don't think I used it within a month of dying my hair - but honestly I think a month is more than enough time for the dye to settle - unless you still see the dye when you shower like on your towels or in the wash water - then maybe wait - but really I don't think it's that big of a deal - that sea salt spray is best used on wet hair though - it really separates the strands to give that beachy look - but that's about all it does so if your hair is naturally straight it won't give you waves just separate the strands - it's better for people with already wavy or curly hair.

May 28, 2016

Amy A.

Okay thank you :)

May 28, 2016

Amy A.

Thank you!! I was thinking of trying the "Not your Mother's" spray first. Have you tried that one? And is it colored? Maybe I will get a leave in conditioner too to combat the dryness.

May 28, 2016

Amy A.

Hi everyone,

I recently got my hair dyed (about a month ago) for the first time ever. I got it done in a salon.

I'd really like to try out a sea salt spray to get that beachy wave look but I'm not sure if it's safe for color treated hair. Will it fade it? are there any that are specifically for color treated hair? I know it's really popular now and I just can't imagine that people who have color treated hair don't use it. What do they do?