Good hair products that stimulate hair growth.


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May 4, 2016

Susana F.

Alpecin! This works so we'll and it's only £7 from the drug store!:)

May 3, 2016

Lucy J.

Thank you girls. I'll have a look into those products you both mentioned!

May 3, 2016

Traci P.

I love the Aveda Pure Abundance style prep spray for adding mega thickness to my hair. It works so well amd smells heavenly! As for hair growth I'm not sure of anything to recommend for that one other than to trim your hair regularly, every 6-8 weeks, and don't brush your hair when it's wet unless using a wide toothed comb or wet brush very carefully. I noticed so much less splitting and breakage after using the wet brush for a while and my hair is pretty much an even thickness from base to tip nowadays.

May 3, 2016

Monica K.

I'm in love with the Not Your Mothers long and Strong shampoo and Conditioner! I've been using it for a couple of years now. My hair cut lady has commented on how much more often I need a cut and more growth at the back of my neck. And I think it smells great  :)

May 3, 2016

Lucy J.

Hey.. I am after a good product for hair that stimulates hair growth and also the thickness. I find my hair is getting finer.
Anyone got any good recommendations??
