Hair color from black to red.


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May 5, 2016

Shelby M.

I looooove red hair! My hair used to be like that, I miss it so much! But I do agree with Beth that it is a lot of work, but so worth it!

May 5, 2016

Nicole A.

Ooh that is beautiful I've been on a red kick for about 3 years now and I absolutely love it, I lean more to the burgundy side myself but I say go for it, it's your hair (:

May 4, 2016

Beth L.

I absolutely love having red hair. But just be aware that it does require quite a bit of maintenance. My hair has natural red hues to it, so I don't find it too bad, but I know most people have issues with the red fading pretty quickly. Also,for the first couple of washes after you dye it, your shower will look like a murder scene. I've ruined towels, sheets, and clothes.. so avoid light colours for a bit!

May 3, 2016

Diana T.

That looks really cool in the photo - is your hair long like that too? Honestly you should die it whatever color you want to - it's your hair.

May 3, 2016

Taylor M.

Something like this?

May 3, 2016

Taylor M.

Should I go red again? First time had bad hair dye. I think it will look good.