How Good Is The Tarte Rainforest Water Foundation For Dry Skin?


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May 1, 2016

Abby S.

Haven't tried it. But if you have dry skin I also recommend the tarte double duty hybrid gel foundation. It doesn't cling to my latches AT ALL and I have the driest skin on planet earth lol very good coverage as well. It lasts all day and doesn't rub off on my chin and nose like most my makeup does. Only downs are the lightest shade is not light enough so I have to mix it with a pale bb cream and the packaging is terrible. I hate when foundation comes in a pot/jar. But worth it anyways :)

Apr 29, 2016

Kitten S.

I have really dry skin and when I have a glass of wine or get nervous, my cheeks become BEET red and always break down anything I'm wearing over them. Nothing has ever been able to conceal it. Nothing. I put this foundation on at 9 am, and at 9 pm I felt my cheeks flush for whatever dumb reason. I went to the mirror and to my complete amazement, I couldn't see a trace of red. I can't convey how crazy that is for me. Nothing has ever covered it and still looked natural. It's mostly water so a beauty blender soaks up too much product. I find it works best to heavily moisturize, let it set and then apply with your fingers like a serum almost. Then go in with a blending brush afterward if you have any areas that aren't blended well.

Apr 28, 2016

Star M.

I'm going to try to get a sample and see thank you alyx

Apr 28, 2016

Alyx T.

I got a sample of it and I loved it. I have extremely dry skin with lots of dry patches. It didn't emphasize them and it was super comfortable to wear. It was slightly hydrating. It gave a dewy finish and it lasted all day with no smudging or transferring. My only issue and the reason I won't be purchasing is that the shades are not light enough for me and it doesn't mix well with lightening drops.

Apr 28, 2016

Star M.

Hey ladies soo I want you guys opinion on this with dry skin has anyone tried this? I've said in previous post my skin is dry and I also do have dry patches mainly my forehead and chin and now I'm having a issue where above my lip it looks like very orange I don't know if I'm applying too much over it since it looks like I have a shadow there perhaps from waxing my woman mustache lol but has anyone with dry skin tried this foundation? lmk how you liked it.