Tips On Losing Weight?


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Jan 19, 2013

Adrianne H.

eat healthy! not junk. and drink lots of water! if you do those things along with exercising, you will start to lose weight. lots of protein is goods to. carbs make you hungry so its good not to eat many, but some are good. portion control is another thing with losing weight. when you eat breakfast make sure its not to big and not to small and only eat till you about 80 persent full. the eat a snack, lunch , another snack, and then dinner. 

Jan 19, 2013

Stefanie M.

does anyone knows some good tips on losing weight?

Jan 20, 2013

Bailey M.

Chewing your food to a thinner consistency helps with digestion.

Jan 20, 2013

Brie B.

Eat a huge breakfast medium lunch and small dinner and have healthy snacks consistently throughout the day:) it will speed up your metabolism! if you try to starve yourself your body goes in starvation mode and stores fat. also cutting out soda is a great way to cut down on sugar and calories.

Jan 20, 2013

Emma J.

Get up and workout!! Even if its just for a few minutes, it can rally help your body. 

Jan 20, 2013

Maira S.


Jan 20, 2013

Sanah A.

Cut out processed food and eat natural unprocessed items

Jan 20, 2013

Aggeliki B.

drink a lot of water and green tea or louisa 

Jan 20, 2013

Victoria T.

Like everyone else says. Drink lots of water and eat healthy! But also dont eat atleast 4 hours before bed, if you do get hungry eat something with protien. Such as meat, yogurt, ect. Drink a tall glass of water right when you wake up, it gets your metabolism going. 

Jan 20, 2013

Elizabeth G., i lost 17 pounds in a month with that, and working out craaazy ours everyday. I ate whatever I wanted as long as I didn't go over my calories and it worked haha. 

Jan 20, 2013

Kitty W.

go on the I quit suger diet
it were eat nothing that has suger in it this helps you a lot and also it clears up your skin.
and set some personal goals like how much you want to loose what you want to look like at the end of the year. and do it for you ! also thinking healthy will help you stop thinking of eating maccas and that
also if you bring a friend to do it with will also help as you can both support each other and going to the gym is even funner with a friend 

Jan 20, 2013

Cristina F.

So what I do is that first u have to drink a lot of water do exercise. For breakfast I do 3 boil eggs and coffee, for lunch I eat salad, water and one apple or banana, and for dinner I do grill meat and carrots. And I do exercise between breakfast and lunch....and sometimes I don't drink water but I drink like vegetables I post a picture so guys u can see and if u do this u get very skinny after 1 or 2 weeks...

Jan 20, 2013

Elanova W.

Drink alot of water so that you fill up more on water and dont have an urge to snack and eat super huge portions this and exercise of course

Jan 20, 2013

Amanda N.

If you are under the age of 16 you should really see a doctor if you are having weight concerns. As a health care professional I can't say that doing any sort of diet where you try and eliminate fats or carbs is such a wonderful idea, as you NEED then for proper body function. That bein said, eat smaller portions, eat healthy, lots of fruit and veggies. Less processed foods. Less dairy, lots of water. Take up running or cycling, enjoy them, and you will be doing fine. 

Jan 20, 2013

Pamela I.

Change your diet to healthier options and also change your lifestyle. Make sure you incorporate exercise into your daily routine and drink plenty of water. It makes you less hungry. Working out in the morning is best too

Jan 20, 2013

Nilla M.

The only reason people lose so much weight on those fad, "detox diets," is because they lose muscle and important nutrients. Those are a real waste of time. You wanna lose weight? Eat fresh, wholesome foods and limit yourself to 2,000 calories a day. Yes, cardio is important when it comes to burning calories, but many women neglect the fact that lifting weights is just as important. Not just baby weights, either. You want to lift moderately heavy to achieve that toned look. No, you won't end up bulking up like a dude - women lack the amount of testosterone necessary for that much muscle build up. In reality, the number you see on the scale isn't as important as your actual size. Take a tape measure and keep track of your waist, hips, bust, legs, arms, etc. If you're really interested, you can also get your body fat measured at your local gym or clinic. Protein and fiber are both really essential for losing weight, but don't cut out the rest of your diet. Balance everything. Just remember that what you want to lose shouldn't be, "weight," but, "fat." Good luck to you on your fat -loss journey! 

Jan 20, 2013

Diana V.

its hard. start at your own pace pushing yourself week by week. start by drinking lots of water!! walk a lot. and feel good :)

Jan 20, 2013

Brooklyn B.

drink weat grass you can get it as a powder form put 1tea spoon or powder in water or fruit juice for tast and it fills you up for almost No calories it should Not be used instead or food but will stop snacking eat at least 2healthy meals a day ang get as much exersize as you can even walking to town with Some friends counts

Jan 20, 2013

Jessica W.

This helped me lose 15lbs in 3 months. I went to see an allergist. Turns out almost everyone has at least 2 intolerances to food, drinks, E numbers or fabrics. I found out I was intolerant to SO many foods! I stopped eating those foods and bought specialist foods (ones that are made specifically without these ingredients) and it was amazing. I felt healthier, my skin improved. Oh and eating foods your intolerant to makes fat stay in your body. The main food that is apparently awful for skin and weight that I'm intolerant to is dairy.

Jan 20, 2013

Brenda R.

eat a big breakfast small snack medium lunch small snack and big dinner LOADS OF WATER!!

Jan 20, 2013

Andree anne O.

I don't know how much you want to loose but the book Shred The revolutionnary diet by Ian Smith makes you lose an average of 20 pounds in 6 weeks by eating healthier! He is a physician, and it really works! Worth the try! 

Jan 20, 2013

Chioma M.

make it a habit to jog at least 3 times in a week, works everytime for me. oh and cut out soda totally, each time u crave something sweet, make fruit smoothies instead.

Jan 20, 2013

Ciara F.

I'm a powerlifter and we have to meet a weight in a matter of days...
I found that low carb. helps a lot, I lost 10 pounds in 7 days. its a amazing diet

Jan 20, 2013

Mina W.

Drink a cup of green tea before you go to bed with NO sugar. Try and eat dark chocolate instead of milk or white because of the soya lacitin. Take small portions to your plate and if you finish the plate and want more, wait for 5 minutes before getting another plate but odds are you won't want it anymore. It's better to eat small frequent portions than to scoff down 😊

Jan 20, 2013

Ave M.

Crystal meth