Should I tie my hair up before bed?


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Jan 19, 2013

Ashleigh F.

Yeah, so I've been told putting your hair up in a bun before you go to bed stops knotting, but I've also been told it will snap your hair like crazy! Opinions please? :)

Jan 20, 2013

Tori G.

No, going to bed with hair up, will cause breakage, but if you have to go to bed with it up, try the fabric scrunches that wont be rough or tight on your hair.

Jan 20, 2013

Kann T.

I tie my hair up every second at home so when I put it down it will have more style when I put ur down

Jan 20, 2013

Debbie M.

Silk pillowcase and maybe a loose braid with a soft scrunchi x

Jan 20, 2013

Kaitlin P.

no , but wearing your hair in a lose braid is good for your hair

Jan 20, 2013

Christine I.

noooooo your hair will totally split ends

Jan 20, 2013

Jenna L.

Depends what you use to tie it. Definitely stay away from those clear elastics, and any with the metal bar on them. They'll definitely cause breakage.
Using one of those old scrunchies to make a loose knot bun probably won't cause any damn age. 

Jan 20, 2013

Lara T.

I always tie mine up at bedtime, I'm guilty of using a clear band. However, my hair never breaks or splits. I think it depends on the general health of your hair. I've always heard it's bad like the other ladies are saying, but my experience is different. 

Jan 20, 2013

Noelle M.

I just drape my hair over my pillow as opposed to putting it up in a bun.

Jan 20, 2013

Ebonnie S.

My hairdresser said to put it in a plait before bed.

Jan 20, 2013

Isabella H.

put in low pony tail slighty to ears

Jan 20, 2013

Jacquie W.

If you put it up use a soft scrunchie and make sure it's loose

Jan 20, 2013

Ashleigh F.

Thanks for the answers everyone! I hate sleeping with my hair up, but my stylist said it would stop it from knotting so much! Looks like she was wrong! 😋

Jan 20, 2013

Sara W.

I'm not sure about any of that. but it is really bad for your hair to for if up when you sleep..

Jan 20, 2013

Kitty W.

yes! tie your hair up in a plat is all I do and then brush and no it will not snap your hair like crazy ! 

Jan 20, 2013

Elanova W.

I always go to bed with braids

if you tie your hair In a low bun or side loose bun, it will be very uncomfortable to sleep in :(

Jan 20, 2013

Taryn T.

I always put my hair in a high bun while I sleep since I have very long hair

Jan 20, 2013

Becky L.

i tie my hair up at night before going bed wake up in morning and curly 

Jan 20, 2013

Mina W.

No because you will end up with a lot of split ends. Just leave it loose.

Jan 20, 2013

Yesenia P.

I've slept with my hair in a bun for most of my life and I've never had breakage...

Jan 20, 2013

Danielle D.

Yes it prevent damage or use a satin pillow case! ;)GraceAndGlamor is my beauty channel on YouTube! I would love if you came and checked it out! I'm a 27 year old wife and momma from long island, just trying to do my best at raising two "fashionistas" in training! I just started a beauty channel on YouTube! GraceAndGlamor is the name! Beauty, fashion and everything Girly is the game! Hehe come and check me out!!! I live one "beauty-full" day at a time! I have some really fun videos going up this coming week! So keep a look out! Thanx xoxo!

Jan 20, 2013

Isha A.

yhh or either your hair will fall out

Jan 20, 2013

Ananda D.

you should wtapnyour hair up at night because it will.protect your hair. but if you do.make sure its a silk scarf because its more gentle oair than cotton which absorbs moisture and can be rough on your hair. A silk pillowcase is a good alternative but if your hair is oily it can transfer to the pillowcase and on to your face

Jan 20, 2013

Maxine B.

ive been tieing my hair up at night for around 12 years and i wash it every day and its in pretty good condition! even with all the colour/bleach its had! it helped stop my acne on my back too :)