Makeup Artists! How do you decide what looks good on your clients?


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Jan 22, 2013

Caitlin M.

I do pick out specific features to enhance but I really can't get a feel for it until I actually start on the look. I try to leave myself some time so if something isn't going in a direction I like then I can pull back and change or remove whatever isn't working. I personally work better creating a look on the spot and making it up as I go. I will have a general idea of what I want but a lot of things end up being completely different than what I had on the face chart when I started. But no matter what, at the end the look should be balanced and unified. You always want them to look like themself, but the best version of themself. Unless of course you're doing a crazy runway-esque look. There aren't many rules for that because they're meant to be daring 

Jan 20, 2013

Maya B.

Like, do you look at their face shape/eye shape/etc...?

Jan 20, 2013

Eunice K.

You have to look at everything as a whole, then their skin tone, undertones, eye color, brow shape, bone structure, etc

Jan 22, 2013

Tamara L.

You should know straight away when you see your clients which products will work for them and have an image in your head

Maya B.

Las Vegas, NV