Bullying that never stops


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Jan 10, 2013

Michelle S.

Oh and make yourself feel as beautiful as you are

Jan 10, 2013

Ave M.

Sad thing is that that's not always true Michelle. There are several girls I went to school with that landed great jobs and very handsome boyfriends and most of them all drive nice cars, have beautiful houses, go in beautiful vacations and seem very happy. And the girls they made fun if in school ended up either being single moms, cashiers at the local grocery store still living with their parents or living of off welfare because they are too depressed to work.

I know these people personally. It's sad but it's true. The nastiest girls I knew in highschool have it made and their victims are just trying to get by. Maybe it's because their self esteem was so horrible because of the years of verbal abuse they had to deal with. It crushed their spirit.

Jan 10, 2013

Michelle S.

Or call her mom

Jan 10, 2013

Chrisi P.

You're lucky that you're in school when bullying is taken more seriously than it was when I was in middle school (10+ years ago). I was bullied and harassed every day by a group of girls and I went to all authoritative figures---my guidance counselor, the vice principal, the principal, even the substance abuse counselor and they didn't do S^&#*! I was bullied online as well and when I came to the principal, instead of her doing anything to help she lectured me on how I wasted time on the internet when I could have been using that time to do homework. The substance abuse counselor told me that me coming in to talk to him about this was foolish and I needed to grow up. To this day, I'm upset about what happened and how they didn't do anything. Thankfully, times are different and now younger people are going to schools in a time that currently has absolute zero tolerance on all types of bullying.

The girls that did this to you are insecure about themselves. They will learn one day that what they did is something they should regret. Things will turn out better. Some of the girls who did this to me were remorseful and expressed it when we got to high school. Don't get into fights as that will make it worse. I was in your position once and I know how much you would want to kick their a$$es, but fighting will make things worse. Tell your counselor, the vice principal, even the principal if you have to. If they don't do anything, inform your family on what is going on and see if they can talk to them. One thing I wished my parents did was go to the principal and yell at her for not doing anything and I was bullied for a year straight. It affected my schoolwork, I would cut gym class sometimes and not participate, and I didn't even want to go on the bus anymore. Your parents need to be affirmative because the school needs to do something about it.

It will blow over, just hang in there. <3

Jan 10, 2013

Brianna M.

I'm sorry but I was severely bullied to the point of almost suicide because the girl was jealous but I fought back with my voice and my hd I know it's wrong to put your hands on people but it will only work if you beat her @$$

Jan 10, 2013

Brianna M.

It's the only thing that worked for me

Jan 10, 2013

Ave M.

^^^ me too. These people saying fighting doesn't work clearly have never tried it. Because it does! 

Jan 10, 2013

Chrisi P.

Fighting shouldn't be the prime solution; if all things fail then maybe it would work. But she said that they fought, had suspension, and now the girl is still acting up. Most schools nowadays have this zero tolerance for bullying so there shouldn't be a problem talking to the school authorities about this. If they don't do anything, the parents should say something. 

Jan 10, 2013

Nessa Z.

I'm so sorry that she picks on you doll :( you're beautiful don't let her get to you, she's probably so insecure about herself that she feels better bringing someone else down. Keep that pretty head up! :) 

Jan 10, 2013

Allison W.

NEVER HAVE YOUR PARENTS DRIVE TO HER HOUSE AND MAKE IT THEIR PROBLEM. That fuels her fire. 'She had to have her mommy get involved' and it will spread around school and make you look really childish. It happened to me. I shut them all up when I beat her to the floor and then some. She didnt bother me again. After that she had quite the change of attitude towards me. Never bothered me again. 

Jan 10, 2013

Sarah L.

I find it so interesting how this topic always divides people. You get a real sense of who the decent human beings are and who the young girls are who can't see resolve in a situation. Other than violence. 

Jan 10, 2013

Brianna M.

Talking doesn't always work and when parents talk to people's children it makes it worse 

Jan 10, 2013

Vanessa R.

I feel like bullies bully people that they think are better than themselves. I was at the receivi end of bullyinh when I was younger also. I think if you ignore them they will move on to the next one unfortunately for that poor person. the only reason why it has began again is because you gsve them the attension they wanted.

Jan 10, 2013

Chrisi P.

Honestly, if my child was being bullied, and the school didn't do anything nor the bully's parents, I'd come in threatening the school with a lawsuit. The school would have to take action after that or else the court will see that they're in the wrong. 

Jan 10, 2013

Brianna M.

The people that are giving advice if you have never been in this situation you're on the outside looking in you may know what's best but you don't know what works

Jan 10, 2013

Sarah L.

No. Get her big ass daddy round with some of his big ass friends and ask to speak to this girls father. Then threaten him with violence and terrorise the whole family! Why not. If violence is the resolve!? Get everyone involved! 

Jan 10, 2013

Sarah L.

Absolutely ridiculous. 

Jan 10, 2013

Chrisi P.

Yes, I have been in the position of a bullied victim, and I know that from experience that violence isn't the answer. There may be bullies who continue after the violence. The girl who started this topic stated that she had been a fight, and got suspension, and the girl is still acting up. If she continues with this violence, it's not going to look good on her part. What if her parents decide to talk to the authorities? The authorities might not take it seriously because they see that this girl got suspension for fighting and might assume that the bullying is B.S and false claims. It won't look right on her part. Fighting will make it worse.

Jan 10, 2013

Brianna M.

Sarah L. No need to be sarcastic first of all second this is her problem if she takes this. She will be traumatized for he life example me i went from happy to alway guarded suicide starts to become an option in this situation not a big family brawl and the school can't always help I got jumped in the bathroom all they did was suspend the girls it's self defense it has to come to that sometimes 

Jan 10, 2013

Maura P.

why not try and sit down with an adult that you feel comfortable with with her and get to the root of the problem:)

Jan 10, 2013

Amy E.

If you honestly can't think of a reason that this girl is bullying you then it's because she is jealous of you. I was never bullied in school but there was one girl who always had a problem with me and she didn't try to hide it. She never said anything to me but she might roll her eyes at me occasionally and she would talk about me behind my back. And you know the types of things she used to say about me? That I was lanky (for anyone that doesn't know its sort of a derogatory term for a tall person), anorexic and a know-it-all (because I was smart and I excelled in all subjects). She also once said that I was tall, skinny and pretty but a horrible person, which couldn't be more untrue. And she wouldn't know anyway because she had never taken the time to get to know me! She was insecure about herself and so disliked me because she was jealous. I'm pretty sure that this is what is happening with you. It's hard because every situation is different. Yes you could suggest that it's better to take this girl aside and talk to her about it but you know what, if she is jealous of you I would imagine she could become more aggravated. And I do not advocate violence but you know who bullies don't pick on? People who they think are stronger than them. People who intimidate them. If you decide to talk to her, I would do it when her friends aren't there. If her friends are there she's more likely to lash out or try and show off in front of them. If she's alone she'll feel more vulnerable. There were times that I was left alone with girls like the one I mentioned before and they would become different people. It's not exactly the same I know, because I wasn't bullied but they change from these people that come across as confident and intimidating to the exact opposite. 

Jan 10, 2013

Mimi K.

Hey girl. It's tough. Hang in there. You know you're a wonderful person and nothing this bully can say or do will change that. Stay strong. 

Jan 10, 2013

Kemarea W.

Get over her and what doesn't matter won't cross your mind. I always think to myself who is she? That's right no one.

Jan 10, 2013

Loren B.

Bully's do it because they can. Ignoring it won't work but neither will fighting because it shows that she's getting to you. You need to show that a- yea you can take it and dish it have a friend practice taking and talking smack you also meed to point out how rude, obnoxious, mean spirited and simply vile and 'low class' her behavior is-verbally of course. Never show how bothered you get but laugh back wondering aloud why anybody would say such a thing or what a simply awful thing to say. Kind of 'ha ha what a stupid thing to say - if I had such stupid thoughts I'd hope to have the good sense to keep my mouth shut'. Also rat her out- a Lot. Make sure the school knows that she is trying to pick a fight with you. Keep a record of what she does. Bullying is more likely when there is little or no consequence. Have your parents Demand the other girls parents come in for a conference. NEVER start an altercation - just make observations how lame, ignorant, racist, etc whatever is most appropriate about her comments. I was horribly bullied for years and it didn't stop until real consequences were faced because bullying is a self reinforcing behavior - bullies find the activity fun whether or not you react. Plus she already knows it bothers you. You need to know that you're worth standing up for and protecting. 

Jan 10, 2013

Loren B.

In her case if she was going to get bored it would have happened already- she is seeing your inaction, as well as the earlier fight as weakness - this is a very predatory type of bullying. Make sure you report specifics of what when and where it's happening and report each altercation as they happen. You don't need to keep her secret