Why Wont My Extensions Curl?


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Jan 12, 2013

Mz'Chelsea R.

you should deep condition them sometimes if you have to much product in them they won't curl.so do a wash and deep condition let the conditioner sit for a about 30mins 

Jan 12, 2013

Whitney W.

Hey laura they wont melt neccessarly. synthetic has come a long way. They now coat it with a flame retardent chemical. Most human hair that is sold now a days has a mix of yak as well as synthetic. your best bet would be to get some velcro rollers and a lot of hairspray.. let them sit for an hour or so and see how that works

Jan 12, 2013

Kerstie D.

Yea you prob put heat on them to much If u wash them it will soften again and u should be able to curl them 

Jan 12, 2013

Laura H.

theyre human hait for sure, if they were synthetic they would just melt, ill try wash them and get my curlers out see if theres any change

Jan 11, 2013

Ceecee C.

if you got synthetic extensions that's probably why. if you got human hair extensions then it should curl. if it doesn't maybe you need a higher heat curling tool.

Jan 11, 2013

Alyssa D.

What brand are they? Mine did that too and I was pissed, but it's because they're not real hair.

Jan 11, 2013

Laura H.

i wonder this and also how to get them soft again. thanks x