Wrinkles At Age 17


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Jan 11, 2013

Karla P.

Thanks Stephanie and Shelley 

Jan 11, 2013

Karla P.

Thanks I will try drinking more water 

Jan 10, 2013

Shelley W.

Its simply dehydration. As Stephanie D mentioned a good moisturizer and stepping up your fluid intake will lessen the problem.

Jan 10, 2013

Stephanie D.

The lines under your eyes are normal. I have them...lots of people have them. It's a genetic thing, so don't freak out about it. Your face just isn't as plump as when you were a kid which makes it more noticeable.

As for the frown line - which is probably completely imperceptible to anyone else - it's probably just a sign that you need to moisturize either with a better product, or just get better about moisturizing in general. Also, drink more water.

Jan 10, 2013

Karla P.

I need help someone could tell me so I been noticing I'm getting wrinkles under my eyes two lines I didn't have before and I also notice when I frown thers a line between my eyebrow but wen I don't frown the line is still ther and I don't frown that much I need someone to tell me what I can do plz do they take off or no