How do I get rid of acne? HELP.


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Apr 11, 2015

Kiera B.

You need to use natural oil cleansers to wash your face in for 5 minutes twice daily for a month.

Apr 12, 2015

Kailey L.

Try to be super strict with what you eat and drink. It will help your skin more than you think! The most important thing is to drink LOTS of water. There are several great apps (I use hydro coach) that tell you how much water you should be drinking, and give you reminders throughout the day. I find it helpful. As far as skincare products go, less is more when you have acne prone skin. Find a gentle cleanser with salicylic acid and/or benzoyl peroxide to use 4-5 times a week. I personally like Dermadoctor Ain't Misbehavin cleanser, but use whatever works best for your skin. Also, find a VERY gentle exfoliating scrub to use 2-3 times a week. I like Acure brightening scrub, but again, use what works best for you. As far as treating, use spot treatment only on your actual blemishes. Smearing anti acne products where it isn't needed can do more harm than good. Lastly, find a good moisturizer! A lot of acne prone people skip this step, but it's very important to hydrate your skin, especially when using any harsh treatments! Sorry if this was all over the place, but I hope some of it made sense. Good luck!

Apr 12, 2015

Charlotte B.

If you have really sensitive skin I would suggest the brand Simple. Every spot wash I use to use made my spots worse so I just started using Simple I have a face wash toner and moisturiser from the brand and it's the only thing that's calmed my spots down a bit! Goodluck :)

Apr 13, 2015

Emme S.

I've had super bad acne for 6 years, and I'm 16 too! Mine is finally clearing up to the point where everyone is telling me that my skin looks amazing and I don't have to wear foundation anymore! Honestly, I would give all the credit to the clarisonic. I got one about a month ago and it cleans my face so well. I never thought it'd be that useful before, but now I'd say it's 100% worth the expense. I know that everyone's skin is different, but let me tell you what has worked for me! I went to the dermatologist and he prescribed me acutane, but that's so extreme that my mom and I said no way, so I went to a new dermatologist. She prescribed me an antibiotic sulfa pill and face cream with benzoyl peroxide. I have also been on birth control for 5 months now and that has helped immensely with my hormones in general. My night routine is so simple. I wash my face with the AcneFree brand face wash on my clarisonic. Then I put my face cream on and call it a night (I don't typically wear eye makeup). I have only missed 2 days in the month that I have been doing this routine. My face looks and feels amazing and I think I found my savior: my clarisonic. Again, everyone's skin is different and this may not work for you! But just keep your hope! It will get better!! :)

Apr 13, 2015

Joine G.

Natural products or organic products are helpful for sensitive skin~ I have the same problem as yours and I've been fighting against acnes for over 5 years now~~ been trying a lot of skin care products that will help get rid of it but only organic products helps on clearing them out one by one~

Apr 11, 2015

Anne T.

Hey! I'm just new here but I really need your guys' help. So, I've had acne for 4 years now (I'm 16). Sometimes it's really bad but it gets better after that. But now it is only getting worse and I've tried everything to get rid of it! I get the feeling nothing is helping anymore.. I got like breakouts over my whole face. So please help me, does anyone recommend a good product / treatment that really works? Or worked for you? Thankyou! (Sorry if my English is bad I'm not from America or England 😁)

Apr 11, 2015

Shanae J.

You need to go to a dermatologist.

Apr 11, 2015

Kiera B.

Hang let me type.

Apr 11, 2015

Kiera B.

Hope this helped

Apr 11, 2015

Anne T.

Thank you! I will try!

Apr 11, 2015

Charlotte B.

Oh where are you from? And I've had it since I was twelve and I'm now 19 and nothing the doctor gave me helped not even the pills but your not allowed to take them along with contraceptives so they suck they are just caused by my hormones and there isn't much I can do I'm just waiting for my time to come where they suddenly go away haha all I can suggest is keeping a good skin routine make sure you keep your face clean and don't aggravate spots

Apr 12, 2015

Anne T.

Thankyou all for your reactions! :) I will try Some of your suggestions! Btw I'm from the Netherlands ;)

Apr 12, 2015

Anne T.

Charlotte, I've already been to the doctor and that did not help so I think I have the same problem like you 😔
Hope your acne is also getting better!

Apr 12, 2015

Anne T.

Another problem is that my skin is REALLY sensitive. Even products for sensitive skin make my skin feel like its burning off.. So I think I'm going to try something with natural oils in it. And I'm trying to drink lot of water but I always forget it haha, so maybe an app is a great solution! Again thank you all for your useful comments :)

Apr 12, 2015

Anne T.

I don't think it's available in the Netherlands but I will take a look online! Thank you! :)

Apr 12, 2015

Charlotte B.

No problem! They sell it at boots? Don't know if they have that there either though haha

Apr 13, 2015

Anne T.

Emme s, that's amazing! I don't think I can afford a clarisonic haha 😁 but maybe I can find a cheaper brand! And thank you! :)

Apr 13, 2015

Anne T.

Joine, I have tried products from lush, so all natural and organic but it only got worse.. Maybe home made treatments work? Thankyou for your comment :)

Apr 15, 2015

Kristine N.

I've use proactive in the pass it works really good.