Help Me Get Rid Of Fat


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Dec 31, 2012

Tyler B.

diet and exercise, although its hard!!

Cardio gets rid of fat and you can't spot reduce it so don't try spot reducing it. Get yourself some muscle, focus on a lot of cardio, and then it'll take time.

Dec 31, 2012

Kim P.

Try cardio to get your heart pumping, but obviously don't stress yourself out too much. Try to stick to running or biking or hiking at least every other day, until you're at least sweating. Find one workout you love and do it every day. I would focus more on toning up your arms and thighs than loosing fat.
Hope this helps(:

Dec 31, 2012

Shelley W.

How long are you working out for? What are you eating? And what exercises are you doing because if you're relying strictly on the treadmill then of course you aren't going to see results in the areas you desire. You essentially need to workout the entire body to see true progress and I speak from experience. I love the fact my back is toned but it took me forever to get it where I wanted it so it required me to work on my arms first to build the strength and tone up before I could tackle my back. Every portion of your body is tied in with another. 

Dec 31, 2012

Susana S.

I've been trying almost every work out for my thighs and arms but nothing seemed to work. Is there anything I can do to lose that weight?