Skin Care Routine


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Jun 1, 2015

Shyla L.

My skin isn't particularly oily or dry, however, I do break out from time to time. My skin care routine is as follows (and it works very well for me):

Remove makeup by applying coconut oil to face and rubbing all over, paying special attention to my eyes to assure all eye makeup is removed.

Warm rag with hottest water I can stand and allowing the rag to sit on my face for several minutes.

Use rag to wipe off coconut oil along with makeup(this works so well!)

Wash face with Clearasil Ultra Foaming Face Wash and rinse

Exfoliate (once a week) with St. I've's Apricot Scrub

Apply acne cream. Clearasil Ultra Medication. To do this I put about half a finger length(I know this seems like a lot but trust me, it works) and apply it to affected areas of my face. Then I wait and allow the medication to dry completely.

Apply night cream. I use Neutrogena. It's in a blue container.

Apply Emu oil. The only reason I apply the oil is because the acne medication dries out my face, this counteracts that while still healing my acne better than anything I've ever tried before.

Then I go to sleep! This is just what works for me and what I recommend everyone do, especially the acne part. I had a horrible break out last year that was the worst thing of my life and brought me to tears whenever I looked in the mirror. Using this routine it cleared up within WEEKS. It was amazing!

Hope this helps!

May 29, 2015

Nathalie H.

What I do is wash my face with Cetaphil gentle cleanser(and I'm in love with this cleanser because it is the only one that calms my skin and makes acne go away because it balances ph level, that what my dermatologist told me), then I use Chanel toner called Le Blanc brightening Moisturizing Lotion, it moisturizes my skin and calms any redness and inflammation from acne. Then I follow with La Roche Posay sunscreen spf 60. For me personally, this routine is all I need. I don't wear any makeup and any time I show up to work girls ask me what foundation I'm using 😂 I am usually oily in T zone, normal in cheeks. Tend to break out on my forehead, chin, and cheeks

May 28, 2015

Alexis C.

I had oily skin but now I'm more on the normal side because of my skincare routine. I got a Clarisonic in April and it's totally changed my skin for the better.

I cleanse my skin with Origins Checks & Balances Frothy Face Wash (perfect for all skin types, in my opinion) and my Clarisonic and follow with Tarte Maracuja C Brightener Eye Treatment and a basic moisturizer (still looking for a perfect moisturizer). I do that morning and night and at night I remove my makeup with Tarte Fresh Eyes makeup remover wipes.

I also use Origins Clear Improvement Active Charcoal Mask and that really helped with my blackheads.

May 28, 2015

Justine S.

Alright so as the title says I need a skincare routine. I know very little to nothing about skincare and how to properly take care of my face. Most of the time I sleep in makeup which I know is bad so I want to get better at not doing that.

My face get oily from time to time and some times I have dry skin. I have fair skin and I do have acne scars and blemishes that I would love to lighten or get rid of completely. I have blackheads on my nose that I want gone too. when my face breaks out its on my cheeks and it's usually a blackhead that turned into a giant pimple that causes redness all over. I live in a very humid and hot area and I basically want to stop wearing makeup but my skin isn't that perfect yet.

so if you have any recommendations please let me know and I'm sorry that this is a super long post.