Herbal Essences Scents And Information


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Jan 2, 2013

Stephanie D.

Every now and then I'll try one of their products. Average, at best. Personally, I don't like strong smelling shampoo because I'm a perfume nazi and I don't like interference with what I'm wearing.

Anywho...to answer your question from a chemical perspective...that depends. They do, absolutely contain sulfates. Washing your hair frequently with sulfates can dry it out. They also contain silicones. Some people's hair is sensitive to it and they have much nicer hair when they use cone-free products. I don't have that problem. I loooooooove silicones. Herbal Essences contains more or less the same ingredients, in the same order as any other random drugstore buy. Is it bad for your hair, personally? It could be, but you have to test that to find out. 

Jan 2, 2013

Frankie B.

2 things, I am in love with herbal essences mainly for the smell and it does soften my hair. but 1. does it really do that good for your hair? like the straightening one didn't do that much for my hair and 2. what is your fav scent, version they do, I want to have all of them haha.