Straight hair - texturizing products?


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May 31, 2015

Shona S.

I have very thin and straight hair too. I always seem to change what I use. I have used sea salt spray with hairspray when I have waved my hair like the day before, dry shampoo is good to prevent my hair sitting so flat on my head. Also, I love curling my hair and spraying hairspray everywhere - which after A couple days gives it a really textured look!

May 30, 2015

Charlese C.

Yes Sebastian potion if you put bed head manipulator while your hair is wet then once its dry it makes it hold curl n everything better
bed head small talk bed head blow out
Moroccan oil root boost its great for volume as well as texture

May 30, 2015

Julie F.

Lol sorry for all the posts I was trying to include my hair in there

May 30, 2015

Julie F.

Or French braid your hair at night when it's wet and use this

May 30, 2015

Julie F.

Here it is

May 30, 2015

Julie F.

Sebastian potion from ulta

May 30, 2015

Charlese C.

I have a great texturizing putty that I use on clients at work I don't remember the name of it but I'll be at work in like an hour and a half and I'll tell you a few names of some great products :) I'll also ask my coworker who has the same problem as you what she uses :)

May 30, 2015

Regan M.

Using a volume powder and salt spray together should make your hair not sit so flat, dry shampoo is also great for getting your hair to sit a certain way!