White Face Tanned Body.


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Jun 1, 2015

Eden C.

OMG girl this is me its soooooo annoying what I do is just wear a darker foundation and in a little while the tan will we're off so don't stress to much babe!

May 30, 2015

Nayanna S.

Remove tan from your body using plain oats and yogurt. Make a paste of the yogurt add some oats in it. Use it like a scrub to exfoliate the tan sometimes also helps with underskin growth do this twice or thrice a week before bathing and voila. :)

May 30, 2015

Amy P.

Thank you Alex! I'll try it out tomorrow!

May 30, 2015

Amy P.

I do use moisturizer containing spf Amy!

May 30, 2015

Alexis C.

I think pretty much everyone has a tan body and a lighter face. If buying foundations that match your body isn't for you then just buy foundations that match your face, blend it into your neck, and warm up your face and neck with bronzer.

May 30, 2015

Amy H.

Do you wear a moisturizer with spf in it? I was having this problem although not as bad as your describing and my face had sunblock on it everyday but the rest of my body didn't so I started putting a light sunblock on everyday because it was summer at the time and that seemed to help my face catch up to the tanness of my body and now that it's winter and I'm always wearing long shirts/pants I just put it on my chest/neck area. someone else might have a better idea but that's what I did.

May 30, 2015

Amy P.

I tan really quickly since I'm part Surinamese but now I have tanned shoulders and a really white face. I have no idea why my face doesn't tan as easily and I was wondering if that is normal...?
I keep on buying darker foundations and BB creams to keep up with my body and I'm really getting sick of it! Also is there anything I can do about it except for self tanner?