Best vitamins for hair and nails?


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May 29, 2015

Ashlee C.

It was prenatals because I was pregnant lol. I simply found one that didn't have as much vitamin A. I wasn't taking them for any other reason.

May 27, 2015

Lisa J.

Alexis is right. Taking anything, especially fat soluble vitamins A, D, E & K, in large amounts can make you very sick!!
I take juice plus capsules, omegas and lots of water. Ashlee, do your own research and talk to your dr before taking any more supplements. Be careful!

May 27, 2015

Ashlee C.

Too much vitamin A caused my hair to fall out in drastic clumps lol be careful!

May 27, 2015

Emily B.

That is an overall health, your hair and nails will grow at their own pace. Just take care of them and don't try to force it. They grow based on predetermined factors.

May 27, 2015

Emily B.

Depending on your age, and since we are women whether or not you are on birth control, most obgyns or primary care doctors will advise you to take a prenatal with folic acid. Folic acid will not hurt you. It tends to allow for better food absorption and such, and if a woman becomes pregnant it prevents a bunch of awful things that could happen to baby while they develop early on. Majority of the time the biggest probity occur before a woman knows she is pregnant.
Anyways, most doctors advise people to take a basic vitamin, a prenatal for us, but it is something for your **doctor ** to decide with you.
I personally like to exercise, when I'm not pregnant on bed rest, and I have a shake or smoothie I made every morning. I make them the night before and have them in the morning because I don't want to wake up my kiddo.
Right now I take a thirty minute walk every day because that's all in allowed to do. I used to have one day of rest and my other days were various workouts. Drink plenty of water, get good sleep, quality sleep. Going to bed at three am and getting right hours is not the same sleep as going to bed by nine or ten and sleeping eight hours.

May 27, 2015

Alexis C.

Do not take any kinds of pills wether it's biotin or a supplement unless you consult a doctor first. You could have perfect levels already in your body and could put yourself in serious healthy risk by taking a pill that you don't need.

May 27, 2015

Lexi H.

Well there is a lot of great vitamins for beauty here are some that I personally love. vitamin e and d is great for skin,botin is great for hair and nails, and I know it sounds weird but prenatals are great but I only take them once every two or three days. well those are my favs. hope it helped

May 27, 2015

Courtney P.

Hey! Just curious what everyone takes as a "beauty supplement"
Shakes, bars, anything. I'm curious!! :)