Little Bumps on Skin?!


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Mar 30, 2015

Sadie G.

It's probably just scar tissue from the fall, I wouldn't worry about them if they're the same color as your skin. All that I can say is have patience and wait it out, or if they really bother you, consult your doctor :)

Mar 30, 2015

Elizabeth D.

I recently had a fall and took a good blow to my forehead and nose (towards the inner corner of my eye). The scabs are healed and scars are fading but I have these little tiny bumps on the scar on my forehead! They aren't pimples, and they're the same colour as my skin... Does anyone know what they could be, and if so, how to get rid of them? (Btw I haven't been using any makeup one face at all, only washing my face with cool water twice a day, so I'm guessing it isn't irritation due to ingredients in any of my products)