✖️ Skin Emergency ✖️


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Apr 1, 2015

Sisi S.

See a dermatologist. I was talking to my dermatologist the other day. She told me that there are two types of hyperpigmentation. 1) the pigmentation you have for around 2 years (the new one) and 2) which you have longer than two year! She also told me that it's very hard to treat hyperpigmentation because it takes a lot of time and the old hyperpigmentation is almost impossible to treat with some results. Sun is a big enemy of your skin, so make sure you use products containing SPF 30. Most of the beauty products have SPF 15 therefore you have to use SPF 30. Protect your skin! Also the dermatologist is a must for you. You can't treat it by your self!! Please go and see her and she will recommend you a treatment and products. Good luck and tell me how it goes

Apr 1, 2015

ramie x.

I would go see a dermatologist.

Apr 1, 2015

Christa F.

Thank you beautiful people 😻❤️

Apr 1, 2015

Liso Y.

Drink a lot of water. It won't clear up your skin but will help in regenerating healthier new skin. Make sure you sleep enough. My skin gets bad too if I don't sleep + stress too much. Clinique is pretty amazing for these types of issues.

Apr 1, 2015

Katie S.

Try some toners and look online for some products made to specifically help this issue. I hope it works out!!

Apr 1, 2015

Christa F.

Dear Beauties, I need your help! I've fought with my skin since I was 11 years old. I'm now about to turn 15. I have combination sensitive skin with hyper pigmentation spots. I read up on the PMD, ordered it, and long story short, it ruined my skin. It doesn't matter if I used it right I'm not saying it's a bad product but it didn't work for me. I have since returned it and gotten my money back. Now I have zits popping up that won't go away, (I normally only ever had zits around that lovely time of the month.) dry patches, and bumps on my skin. Before I had acne every now and then but the rest of my face was soft with a little hyper pigmentation.. The PMD made it way worse. Any product suggestions or any thing that will help my damaged skin? I'm willing to try anything.