How do I get my hair to grow?


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Mar 27, 2015

Kelly V.

If your hair is not growing then there is an issue and and a soctor should be seen. a lot of times it is something internal. even slowed hair growth should be taken up with a doctor. when the term "promoting" is used, it means to aid in healthy hair growth. it is not something that will speed up growth if your hair has slowed or stopped.

Mar 27, 2015

Charlotte B.

Well all I'm saying is if your hair is not growing and then you "promote" hair growth it will start to grow. And when your hair has not been growing or been growing slowly then you "promote" it it will grow faster than it previously was...

Mar 27, 2015

Evie M.

Almond oil is amazing just saying.

Mar 27, 2015

Shanae J.

Well said, it's definitely from breakage

Mar 27, 2015

Kelly V.

As the ladies stated, nothing will make hair grow faster. things like massaging the head, hanging your head upside down, and sunlight do "promote" hair growth but that does not necessarily mean making it grow faster. Lauren, when was the last time you had a hair cut? hair doesn't stop growing after a certain lenght. there are different stages of hair growth but that does not effect the lenght. usually if someone says their hair won't grow past a certain point it's from breakage.

Mar 27, 2015

Shanae J.

I would just speak with a professional about it. They'll explain better than anyone on here or any other site.

Mar 27, 2015

Shanae J.

Your hair grows at the speed it grows, there's no way to fasten it. That's kind of the end of it.

Mar 27, 2015

Charlotte B.

Yes so then you can grow your hair faster just not faster than your genetics will allow

Mar 27, 2015

Charlotte B.

"Promoting" hair growth is the same as boosting, supporting, advancing hair growth which is basically... Making your hair grow faster I don't mean to sound snappy was just confused about these posts

Mar 27, 2015

Alexis C.

Hair growth is based on genetics so there's no way to make your hair grow any faster than your genetics allows. Promoting hair growth just means you're helping your hair grow to it's full potential and as fast as your genetics will let it.

Mar 27, 2015

Charlotte B.

I'm so confused because you can actually make your hair grow faster? And Alexis C what's the difference in making your hair grow faster (which you said you can't do) to promoting hair growth (which you said you could do)

Mar 26, 2015

Alexis C.

I know you didn't say anything about growing your hair faster, this is just what I have written in my notes since girls ask about making their hair grow faster a ridiculous amount of times. Hope it helps, though!

Mar 26, 2015

Alexis C.

There's no miracle product or technique to make hair grow faster as hair growth is based on genetics, however there are things you can do to help promote hair growth.

-use sulphate free shampoos
-use a hair mask at least once a week
-never brush hair when wet
-use as little heat as possible
-use a heat protectant when you do use heat
-get regular trims
-make sure your ponytails/buns aren't too tight
-drink plenty of water and keep yourself healthy as well

Please do NOT take any kinds of pills, including Biotin, Hairfinity, or any other hair, skin, and nail pills, unless you consult a doctor first. Taking supplements without a deficiency can cause serious health problems.

Mar 26, 2015

Storm A.

Well said @shanae J.

Mar 26, 2015

Shanae J.

Pills or vitamins*
Hope I helped! I know that was probably the last thing you wanted to hear, but it's true, all you can do is care for your hair, for more information, I'd suggest consulting your doctor so you can hear it from a professional.

Mar 26, 2015

Shanae J.

Oil treatments and hair masks are only able to condition or lock moisture in the hair, no oil, mask, or "concoction" will help with hair growth. Also, any pills are vitamins shouldn't be taken unless provided or approved by your doctor as they can cause health problems.

Mar 26, 2015

Shanae J.

You can message your scalp but it won't speed up hair growth, as nothing does. It's all based on genetics, anyone who says there's a way is/has experienced the placebo effect and nothing more. Basically, all you can do is care for your hair, there's not much else to it. Coconut oil hair masks, cutting your split ends, just little to no heat and that's about it.

Mar 26, 2015

Rebekah W.

Try using coconut or Argan oil, and also look for hair growth masks on Pinterest :)

Mar 26, 2015

Lauren C.

My hair won't seem to grow past my chest... what can I do to stimulate better hair growth?