Anti- perspirant in Canada.


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Mar 31, 2015

Raylene I.

Oh thanks alyx! We don't have Netflix 😫 and atm no real internet just cell phone data, small town living! Haha and don't get me started on withdrawals! Ugh if I miss on pill it's like death! But we go to the city to visit my inlaws and we hook up to their wifi and download seasons of shows :) so maybe I'll get hubby to be sweet to me and get me a season or two :) any other good ones? We are putting our satelite on seasonal break until the end of summer now that it's nice out ;)

Mar 31, 2015

Alyx T.

Oh I understand lol. I had a sudden bad reaction to mine, or I'd still be on it. But withdrawals are harder than any side effects so I'm sweating like a pig while feeling freeeezing -.- lol. I definitely understand being stuck at home. I swear I've Netflixed every show lol. And it's so good, I'm really angry that they killed a certain character but it's really good, though if you can't handle gore well, definitely skip it. They have a huuuuge special effects budget. It's so cool, disgusting, but super cool Haha. You can also watch it on Netflix, or online for free, I can send you the link if you want sometime. :)

Mar 31, 2015

Raylene I.

Thanks alyx! I'll send my mom on Over there tomorrow for me haha well I'm happy your coming off yours hopefully you regulate soon! I'm still stuck on my for a few months still at least maybe another year 😪 hate it! I've never watched the walking dead! My mom loves it my husband not so much lol so I rarely gain control over the tv. I'll get my mom to give me her DVDs and I'lI try watching during the day when he's at work. And I'm 25 and I was complaining to my 4 year old that I felt like gramma (my mom lol) she laughed

Mar 31, 2015

Alyx T.

Ahhhh totally forgot to add the picture lol. I'm watching the walking dead and so I'm half paying attention! lol. These are the two :) the vanilla and the fresh.

Mar 31, 2015

Raylene I.

I'm sorry alyx, but what are these two? Lok.

Mar 31, 2015

Alyx T.

Oh and I was experimenting with that since I started the meds in September, but this is the best I found

Mar 31, 2015

Alyx T.

Okay, so I completely understand. I'm currently coming off medication that the biggest side effect was sweating. Like constantly. I'm 17 and I felt like I was going through menopause lol. Anytime my heart beat went up at all I'd sweat like I just ran a marathon. These two at the top helped SO much. The vanilla one is coconut oil and stuff and I'd put it over top of the fresh brand once it dried. The fresh stop stopped the sweating a noticeable amount, but not completely. I didn't find anything that completely stopped it but I feel like that's wishful thinking lol. But sephora sells them, the vanilla stuff comes in minis for 12$ and it smells delicious, and covers awful sweat smell. I always keep one in my bag and one fresh one too, just in case. And definitely available to Canadians lol

Mar 31, 2015

Raylene I.

So this is late I may not get a ton of responses, but...
I sweat... A lot. It's because of my pills that I'm on. They mess up my Basel body temp. Even sleeping and resting (Basel temp.) it's low grade fever. So I sweat a ton. Especially now that it's getting warm outside. I have been using soft & dri clinical protection, but I'm finding I have to apply it three times a day 😔 and even then I'm still all damp. It's soo gross 😣 but I'm under the impression that we have different regulations in Canada than the states, so yea I don't know. And I'm sorry but I'm not game for any DIYs..