Circle lenses with an astigmatism?


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Mar 27, 2015

Fae G.

I have pretty bad eyesight but I like wearing my glasses so I might just get normal ones bcuz I don't know I don't wear contacts a lot at all, they'd just be for fun.

Mar 27, 2015

Kenna S.


Mar 27, 2015

Kenna S.

It depends on how bad your sight is, and how often you want to wear the lenses. I know you can get circle lenses from your eye doctor, but lenses make vision quite difficult. So if talk to your eye doctor!

Mar 27, 2015

Fae G.

Ok so I really want some circle lenses (I'll be getting them from pinkyparadise) but I have an astigmatism. I know they have toric lenses but they're all just blah. Is it ok for me to get a regular pair? I also wanted the 14.5 mm diameter but the toric only has 14 and so yea woukd it be bad if I just get regukar? Idk.