My foreheads huge😞😣🙈


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Jul 3, 2015

Hana B.

Thanks everyone! I'll try out each suggestion given. ðŸ˜†

Jul 2, 2015

Eden C.


Jul 1, 2015

Shelley W.

I have a big ole forehead as well. It used to bother me when I was younger but biggie so I do understand your disdain for it. Contouring the forehead works wonders but its all about trial error so be patient while experimenting if that's the route you take. What works for me is doing a side part. Since you have naturally curly hair I suggest doing that when your hair is wet (after you wash/condition and detangle it), apply your styler of choice (I usually go for hair butters) and using a comb create the side part and then braid your hair in a ponytail and allowing it to dry overnight. Once you unbraid it in the morning gently separate your curls (not too much because you don't want to create frizz)...I usually shake my head around like I'm at a Headbangers concert to give it a little lift and create more body. If you go to my profile I think I have one or two pics showing my side part.

Jul 1, 2015

Liza J.

I've heard that big foreheads make people more beautiful (To cheer up your spirit(: )

Jul 1, 2015

ramie x.

I agree with Shanae! Headbands work great! Wear them lower down then you usually would to cover some of your forehead. You could also try contouring it to make it seem smaller. But all in all I do agree with Brittany as well :)

Jul 1, 2015

Mack P.

What she said lol👆

Okay first things first, you're absolutely gorgeous. That is some wicked natural beauty you've got going on girl. I know you don't wanna hear it, but learn to accept your natural features because they're what makes us all unique :) but hey, we're all insecure about something's and it's always nice to have a confident boost. I definitely agree on utilizing headbands but also try and search up how to contour!

Jul 1, 2015

Shanae J.


Jul 1, 2015

Hana B.

As you can see in the photo below, I've got a BIG forehead, and I really don't like it. Bangs aren't going to work well with my hair type, so what can I do to make it look smaller? Also, I like to wear my hair up sometimes, so it has to work for both updo's and hair all down.