Can you help me figure out my eyelid shape please?


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May 20, 2015

Laura D.

Thanks guys it really helped, especially you Jaqueline haha ❤️

May 20, 2015

Kailey L.

I'd say they're slightly hooded. If you need some tips on how to work with your eye shape, check out Stephanie Lange on youtube! She has tons of tutorials on hooded lids.

May 20, 2015

Rebecca J.

They are hooded

May 20, 2015

Gabby M.

I also think they're deep set :)

May 20, 2015

Sydney D.

I'd say deep set. That's my eye shape as well :)

May 20, 2015

Justine S.

I would say they're a little hooded but I could be wrong. I still don't even know my eye shape either.

May 20, 2015

Laura D.

Another pic if that helps.

May 20, 2015

Laura D.

Hey guys, so I love using eyeshadow and all but I really can't figure out what my eyelid shape is.

I've looked up stuff, tried to compare it to my eyes but because it's my own eye, I can't decide. Obviously knowing my eyelid shape would really help me out when doing makeup.

I think I have a hooded eyelid and downset eyes, but what dk you guys think? Thanks! (Not wearing any makeup at all and eyebrows not done btw, sorry 😂)