Waxing Hairy Arms


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May 22, 2015

Rida S.

RK. which hair removal cream do you use? does your hair grow back coarser? and does using cream makes your skin look darker?

May 22, 2015

patty s.

I used to wax until I bought an epilator. It takes me less than 10 mins to do both of my arms.

May 21, 2015

R K.

I use Hair removal cream. It's painless. Good luck!

May 21, 2015

Amy P.

I used to have super hairy arms and I was so embarrassed about it that I never went out the door without my arms covered. My parents were searching for alternatives to shaving and they found this light treatment at the dermatologist. It's really expensive and you have to come back every few months or so (after multiple times, you'll have to come back less often). You could do that at home and it's much cheaper! My parents bought me the Philips Lumea (there are lots of other brands) light treatment. I've used it 5 or 6 times and there are already strokes where the hairs aren't even coming back anymore. I can go out now wearing a tank top and not feel ashamed anymore. I hope this helps because I know how you feel.

May 21, 2015

Jen C.

I have fairly hairy arms and I usually just trim the hair with hair clippers. For me it's the easiest and cheapest way to remove the hair and I don't have to deal with stubble or ingrown hairs.

May 21, 2015

Kattya M.

Lol I agree with Charlotte, my arms are hairier than my boyfriend's, but since the hair kinda light (between blonde and brown) I let them be lol. I just own it and I don't care, my man doesn't care either so... Just own it!

May 21, 2015

Seeta K.

I have been shaving my very dark, thick, and straight arm hairs for over 10 years now. In the last 3 weeks, I have been too lazy to shave them. The hairs actually thinned considerably and I have less of them now.

May 21, 2015

Ceyla H.

I have hairy arms and I shave them, of course waxing would be better

May 21, 2015

Charlotte B.

I have hairy arms but I don't do anything to them because I'm lazy :) I don't feel the need to shave/wax arm hair

May 21, 2015

Vaishnavi T.

Waxing is a good way to get rid of hairy arms and it leaves skin soft and smooth. you have to take care of some things for waxing and make sure you kne all the pros and con. if you ll get your arms wax for first time then make you sure you go to a professional for this. good luck! :)

May 21, 2015

Rida S.

I regularly wax my arms. have been doing so for over 10 years now. I used to be very hairy but with time my hair growth has slowed. if you wax regularly for years on end you get rid of growth altogether too. I wax my legs too and I have certain patches on my leg that I have gotten rid of hair completely like they are smooth smooth not a trace of hair.

May 21, 2015

Breeze T.

My arms are hairy too! Honestly I rarely do anything to them, but if I'm feeling insecure I wax it. It might look a bit darker at first because the sun lightens the hairs. Second option would be to bleach it but if you get a tan it might make it more visible.

May 21, 2015

Riff W.

Yeah, I do it. I also shave to keep up with it, it doesn't grow back darker or thicker (common myth about shaving). It's perfectly fine although I did bleed a little bit my first time, but it's like waxing your eyebrows or legs.

May 21, 2015

Rebecca B.

Is it okay to wax hairy arms? Mine are terrible. I'm very insecure about it, and I don't want to shave my arms..I tried a little spot and it grew back darker and more coarse. HELP PLEASE summer is coming and I don't want to wear sleeves! :(