Getting My Hair Thinned ?


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Jan 1, 2013

Shannon G.

I have really thick frizzy hair and was wondering would it be a good idea to get it thinned out by a hairdresser with a thinning scissors to get rid of some of the weight ?

Jan 1, 2013

Debbie L.

I got my hair thinned not too long ago, I had a lot of hair and its thick. after I got it thinned I noticed its not as heavy, I love it.. I'd say go for it. 

Jan 1, 2013

Katlyn T.

Absolutely! I have thick hair too and this is a must when I go to get my hair trimmed. You will be amazed at what they can do! Ive also found that some moderate layering will also help along with thinning. I have my hairdresser start my layers around my chin, and this works wonders as well. :)


Jan 1, 2013

Tyler B.

Yeah, but not too much! I pretty much get mine thinned everytime I go to my hairstylist as mine is pretty thick, just makes it more manageable and takes the weighg off so it sits better with more shape.

Jan 1, 2013

Callie G.

Defidentally! I recommend not getting it thinned near your roots, it makes you hair very hard to handle and it looks poofy/frizzy:/

Jan 1, 2013

Miranda R.

yes! I definetly recommend getting hair thinned for people with super thick hair it helps a ton. Also, if you get headaches quite a bit, it could be due to the weight of your hair and thinning it will help! :-) 

Jan 1, 2013

Miranda R.

I agree with callie, when using thinning shears dont go past the mid shaft!!

Jan 2, 2013

Shannon G.

Thank you guys so much your advice has really helped me out definitely think I will be getting my hair thinned next time I visit the hairdresser :)

Jan 2, 2013

Stephanie D.

I also have my hair thinned a bit. Go to a hairdresser you really trust though, because I've had it screwed up royally once or twice. Thinning should take bulk out of the center without changing the look of the cut itself.

Jan 2, 2013

Emily T.

i had really thick frizzy hair and i just kept straighting it for a while next thing i know my hair is less frizzy but my sister got hers thinned and it worked so go for it.