T18 toner with 40 developer.


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May 18, 2015

Nikki L.


Would I be able to use a 40 vol developer with my wella colorcharm toner in T18??

May 18, 2015

Livi H.

Are you trying to lighten your hair? If so, usually you use 20 or 30 volume developer with bleach powder and let it sit for an hour and wash/rinse. Then you would take a 10 or 20 vol with the toner afterwards.

May 19, 2015

Nikki L.

I've highlighted my hair and its brassy so I bought the toner. I just wanna make sure that I can use a 40 vol developer as well?? 😅

May 19, 2015

Livi H.

You can use 10 or 20 vol for toning.

May 19, 2015

Hannah P.

Toners are created to be deposit only translucent dyes. This means that they only need to be used with 10 or 20 volume. Using the toner with a higher volume will probably lift your hair a shade or so but it will stop the toner depositing the color correctly meaning your hair may still be brassy once you've used the toner if you use it with 40 volume (so it won't give you the colour you want but you'll still have the damage of using 40 volume developer)

In pinch 40 volume can be diluted to 1:1 ratio with water to have the same strength as 20 volume. This is better than using 40 volume with the toner but it can cause the peroxide in the developer to degrade more quickly than usual so it must be use straight away. I would recomend you go and buy a bottle of 20 volume developer though.