Tea Tree Oil and sensitive skin?


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Apr 15, 2015

Angie N.

Tea tree oil can be very irritating for sensitive skin

Apr 15, 2015

Alyx T.

Yes. Tea tree oil, or any spot treatment will make you more sensitive to the sun. Make sure you wear spf year round, but especially the day of and the day after you've used any spot treatment.

Apr 15, 2015

Ari M.

If it's the only different thing you've done then most likely it is.

Apr 15, 2015

Elizabeth A.

So every summer as far back as I can remember I've been out in the sun as soon as it's nice, no sunscreen, and never been so much as pink anywhere but my cheeks. However, it was a bit buggy outside today, so I mixed some tea tree oil in with my regular lotion as a natural bug repellant and I'm quite red on some places (not sore, just red). I was wondering if it could have been the Tea Tree Oil making my skin more sensitive? Any thoughts?