Special Effects help! 😣


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Apr 20, 2015

Stephanie T.

You can definitely get realistic and good results from using everyday itens. elmers glue, toilet paper, to add depth to a wound you can use red lipstick. just have fun with it! A good one for a hand wound or to give the effect of torn or decay or burn on top of the hand, you can use tiny white straws to look like ligaments. If you want to do a bigger area and you need quite a bit of latex, you can get wax paper or plastic wrap, if you are using latex that is white, there are ways to tint it. but spread a thin layer or coat and evenly spread it out. Then let it dry. repeat until you get desired thickness. you have a sheet of flesh now to work with. You can make prosthetics with it :)

Apr 16, 2015

Rebekah W.


Apr 16, 2015

Cori L.

Like what Sadie said, you should really start with some cheap cream makeup like from party city or Amazon, a little bottle of liquid latex, and some spirit gum. Most beginners simply use toilet paper, cotton balls, Elmers glue, and food coloring to make simple gashes and stuff. There are tons of videos online, and I would highly suggest just playing around, seeing where you're at and seeing where you may want to go with it. GOODLUCK!!

Apr 16, 2015

Sadie G.

If you're not sure if you're into it, I would just get some cheap liquid latex, and start out by using eyeshadows! That way you can get down the technique, and really figure out if you're into it, then you can invest if you really like it!

Apr 16, 2015

Rebekah W.

I really want to try out special effects makeup but I don't know where to buy it.
I went to Party City and it was $20.00, I looked on Amazon and it was $18.00 (same product). Do any of you know where to buy it for a better price??