Complexion tips or solutions.


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May 6, 2015

Shelley W.

Retinol based eye cream for night-time use should lighten up the area. But if its a hereditary issue you might not see very much a difference. Also there are vitamin c based eye creams. Ole Henriksen Total truth Vitamin C Eye Cream SPF15, Tarte Maraca C-Brighter Eye Treatment, Korres Wild Rose Instant Brightening Eye Treatment. Speaking from experience...whichever eye cream you go with its vital that you stick to using it for at least 8 skipping days or else you will not see results and curse the product up and down for not working. I used to have a hard time staying to committed to using any eye product as I would forget to apply and then wonder why nothing worked. Oh...the retinol...RoC has a really good eye line with that ingredient.

May 6, 2015

katie s.

Do you want something permanent or like a makeup sort of cream?

May 6, 2015

Molly R.

I have always had darker under eyes and I was wondering if there is any affordable creams or anything to help my complexion and even out my skin tone, thanks!