Cleaning eyeliner brush?


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May 9, 2015

Caitlin M.

I would start out with an oily makeup remover to break down the eyeliner first and then go in with a soapy product. I find it helps to start dissolving the eyeliner first, otherwise it just doesn't get fully clean with soap.

May 6, 2015

Tiffany P.

Thanks Ladies! I got lazy and bought a new brush. Lol. so hopefully I can keep up with cleaning this one!

May 6, 2015

Gabby M.

I just use normal hand soap lol, also while the soap's on the bristles, I like to sort of move it around my hand so it gets in between all the bristles, also what works really well is if you sort of smush it in between your fingers so it gets into the bristles better :) it helps mine a lot, and just keep repeating it with soap

May 5, 2015

Amelia H.

I clean it after every use with eye makeup remover. I'm not sure if it's good for the brush, but it definitely keeps it clean.

May 5, 2015

Tiffany P.

I use gel liner and it's always so hard to get the brush clean! Usually I use baby soap and brush spray but its not helping. Lol. What do you use to clean your liner brush? Also, how often do you clean it?