Is There Anyway To Make Scabs Heal Faster?


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May 9, 2015

Emma S.

I have a very noticeable scab on my face... Is there any way to make it heal quicker, besides not picking at it? Thanks girls!

Definitely do not pick, and keep it moisturized so it doesn't crack :) I have eczema and super dry skin naturally so my skin honestly always cracks causing scabs. The only thing that's worked for me to help get rid of them as well as make my skin feel less tight is Rose salve! I get mine at bath and body works

May 9, 2015

Beauty G.

I love all things natural apply aloe vera it will not only help with the healing process it awesome in helping minimizing the appearance of scaring!! hope this helps.

May 9, 2015

Emma S.

I will definetly keep it moisturized, since it is near my mouth :( Thanks Brittany!

May 9, 2015

Kylie R.

I agree with both of the ladies above. Use a moisturizer and/or aloe Vera religiously. Don't be scared to apply thick layers before bed, it will help a lot over night.

May 9, 2015

Emma S.

Thanks girls!

May 9, 2015

Rissa G.

Love love aloe Vera, it's my miracle product

May 9, 2015

Hayden R.

Cover it with some concealer if you need to, but applying makeup will make it worse because it made mine worse. Apply Vaseline and try not to pick at it or else it won't go away.