Sister's Skin Problem 😔


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May 10, 2015

Dominique J.

Hello Galsss😘
So my sister is 18 years old and still having skin problems on her face. She's been having this problem since she was about 12. Can you guys help me help her. She has tons of pimples and dark marks on her face and I don't what to do to help her. She's going on prom in a few weeks and I want her face looking good 😍. Is proactiv a good skin care product? Can you guys give me some really good suggesting skin care products? She's literally has tried everything 😔

May 10, 2015

Delara g.

No no no don't use proactive it will make her skin very sensitive and make her acne a lot worse, I've used it and that's what I've experienced, I actually got an infection after I stopped using because my learned to be dependent on the proactive and didn't have any defence of its own. Let her try putting natural yoghurt on her face twice a day for 20-30mins but she must do this every day of she wants it to work. I did this and it stopped my break outs also it cleared up my skin, a lot of people started asking me what I've been using

May 10, 2015

katie s.

Acne is normal and dark spots can be from sun. if it's an excessive amount, maybe go to a dermatologist to see if there is something wrong.. I haven't tried proactive because my skin doesn't produce a lot of acne, but I sure hope you find something that works!

May 10, 2015

Delara g.

My skin learned to be dependent on proactive*

May 10, 2015

Alexis C.

Proactiv is definitely not a good line, I wouldn't suggest it anyone. It burned and irritated my skin horribly.

Unfortunately she's not going to have perfect skin in just a few weeks for prom no matter what she does.

Since she's been having issues with acne for a long time I would suggest going to a dermatologist. They'll be able to give her the proper products and treatment for her skin type and skin issue.

May 10, 2015

Grace H.

Honestly there is not much you can do in this short amount of time except invest in a really good face mask. A dermatologist is going to help the most and people don't wanna hear that but I struggled with acne for a LONG time and after I went to the dermatologist and my skin is almost completely clear 6 months later. Trust me it is beyond worth it!

May 10, 2015

Dominique J.

Thank you guys so much ❤️ I really do appreciate it. I'll have her look into talking with a dermatologist and also trying the natural yogurt Sara A. Thanks guys

May 10, 2015

Emily B.

This much time before prom she may be stuck. You could try simple things I use the queen helenes mint mask. I love it, but only try a patch of skin guest and maybe your neck not face. Also, if you have an ulta or sephora by you you can normally go in and either pay a small fee or spend a certain amount of money and get your makeup done. I know it's not ideal, but it's what I did.