Prom time management?


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May 4, 2015

Shannon S.

Multitask-There are some things that you can do at the same time as each other.
Prepare the night before-Set out everything you need for your prom.
Make a schedule-Make a schedule showing when you will do each thing you need to do before prom and how long it will take.
Do your hair before bed-Some hairstyles you can begin or do before you go to bed to make it easier in the morning.
Do things in your transport-if you have little things you can do on the way,like applying lip gloss,do it so you have enough time at home.

I hope I helped 🌸

May 3, 2015

Sadie G.

Curl your hair at night and leave them in pin curls over night. Take them out in the morning, then you can easily do your quick hair pins or whatever you need too, do foundation in the morning, then go home and just do your lips and eyes, and get dressed! Oh and shave in the morning too!!

May 3, 2015

Jessica L.

Have base makeup done in thebeginning of the day so that you just add eyeshadow/touch up foundation/add eyelashes
for hair I sugget either mastering an easy updo beforehand or to find tutorials online on how to put your hair into braids so that it creates unique waves.

May 3, 2015

R K.

1- haste makes waste
2- less is more
If you don't have time, rather do a little carefully , then a lot messy

May 3, 2015

Alyssa B.

Time yourself (you can set an alarm and make it go off whenever you need to change from one thing to another, like from makeup to hair) and make sure to already have a plan on how you're doing your hair/makeup/ you won't have to rush and figure it out.

May 3, 2015

Lindsay B.


May 3, 2015

Lindsay B.

I can't start earlier like I've done everything I can for prep. But thanks ;)

May 3, 2015

Shanae J.

I would've started a lot earlier. Just do everything you can in the time you're given and don't rush.

May 3, 2015

Lindsay B.

My prom starts at a really weird time and I basically have an hour to get ready.😁😁 what are some time management tips or other help with getting to prom on time.