How To Make It Healthier!?


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Jan 1, 2013

Valentina G.

Umm sorry i messed up in the beginning! Ment to say your hair is probably dry because it is so curly! Curly hair always tends to be more dry than straight hair!!

Jan 1, 2013

Valentina G.

Hey! Start off with a good shampoo and conditioner! Herbal essences is good they have a special hydrating one too! Since you said your hair was curly,this is probably because it is so dry unless you use a straightener. Please do not use a straightener every day as this will just damage it MORE. Anyways to solve dryness there are many cheap but very effective oils and products. Try things with anti frizz and products that say hydrating. Now you also said it was thin, for this you can try a thickening spray. Apply these products with your hair leaning over so it gets more volume, giving it a thicker appearence. If you really want to straighten, use a blow dryer not a flat iron this gives you volume too. Hope this helps write back and answer mine? Good luck! <3

Jan 1, 2013

Ashland L.

My hair is super curly and it is so dry and thin. What would be some tricks on how to hydrate my hair and help It become thicker?