D.I.Y exploiter :)


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May 2, 2015

Kaitlin W.

Yes, cinnamon might irritate the skin and cause it to be puffy! I like to use coffee grounds with extra virgin olive oil and mix

May 2, 2015

Shaye M.

I agree with Brittany, I wouldn't ever put cinnamon on my face, it is fairly harsh on the skin. Honestly I'd go and purchase and exfoliator rather then risk micro tears in your skin and irritation.

Cinnamon is very harsh on the skin! To put into perspective, it's a common ingredient used to plump lips! DIY exfoliates are tricky because you want something gentle, if you're going to go for a deeper exfoliation you should use beads to prevent micro tears. I personally like using oats and mixing it with a gentle milk cleanser (I like Micabellas)

May 2, 2015

Abby J.

I use suger and cinnamon should I continue

May 2, 2015

Alyssa B.

I think you mean exfoliator, and sugar and water is good for oily skin. don't mix it with any oils since you already have oily skin and if you have sensitive skin you could use brown sugar or oatmeal instead.

May 2, 2015

Abby J.

I meant expoliater 😂😂😂 stupid auto correct

May 2, 2015

Abby J.

Do you guys have any diy exploiter for oily skin thanks:)