Acne Hell Help!!


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Apr 25, 2015

Natalie A.

Thank you so much, Becky and bria!! I will definitely give it a go.

Apr 25, 2015

Bria J.

I'm not sure what to do about the hyperpigmentation under the eyes, sorry.
But I do know my way around acne skin. Do not use vaseline...please. I recommend getting a light natural oil like argan or jojoba and applying a few drops all over your face in the evenings, even on your nose as proper moisturizing can help even out your skins oil production for both dry and oil areas. To unclogg your nose I would use a clay mask. My favorite is by Cocoon Apothecary but many brands have clay mask, but only apply to your nose or other clogged up areas clay masks can irritate your dry patches.

Apr 25, 2015

Becky G.

Sorry for all the question marks!
I guess my emojis don't work on here :/

Apr 25, 2015

Becky G.

Awe?? I'm so sorry. I had the same thing! I also suffered from cystic acne and was miserable for months! I tried so many treatments from over the counter to prescription products.
I don't know if youre familiar with minocyclin? its a pill taken daily to help control acne. it really helped me, but I think the best thing that worked was tea tree oil!?? I swear by it.
its name is deceiving tea tree "oil" but its actually not oily at all. it has a very potent smell but I've gotten use to it & actually like it lol.
I got mine at trader Joes and dip a q-tip inside and then dilute it with some water because its very strong! & will peel your face off it you over do it. but basically I would dab some on my major cysts and massage it in.
instantly I felt a tingling sensation which to me, beacons its working?? yay!
dramatically my acne went away & I don't have any scaring.
I hope it all works out! (: ance does suck!??

Apr 24, 2015

Natalie A.

Thanks, Julia and Emme! Will using tea tree oil help? if so, how can I use it?

Apr 24, 2015

Emme S.

Don't put Vaseline on. That is a sealant so it won't necessarily moisturize and it will plug your pores. Use a really thick face moisturizer. Also, you could wash your face with oils. I have bad acne and now do a first wash with jojoba oil. My skin is so moisturized and my acne has cleared!

Apr 24, 2015

Julia M.

Put Vaseline on the dry patches over night, and use a green concealer for the hyper pigmentation and for the nose biore has really good drying face wash or to get rid of the pimples gradually (2-3 days) use cetaphill daily face wash its dermatologist recommended and approved and its hypo allergenic and save enough to put on baby's skin

Apr 24, 2015

Natalie A.

Okay, so I had schistic acne and now that it's gone, I have some some hyperpigmentation that has faded. All the sudden, I have hyperpigmentation under my right eye, but these spots are REALLY BIG. What would you recommend to cover them up?

In addition to this, I started breaking out all over my nose, which is now more oily then the rest of my face. What do I do?

Lastly, I have these random dry patches on my cheeks… that just kind of appeared.