Bump like acne


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Apr 30, 2015

Katie H.

Hello beauties!
My face has recently started breaking out. And it's driving me crazy. I've been using clean and clear and I feel like it's just not getting the job done. So I'm on the hunt for something new. My question for you guys is: what face wash do you swear by?
Thank you!

Apr 30, 2015

Ashley D.

I love Cetaphil, it's the best thing for my skin.
You should also try to use a toner, exfoliate once a week, use a mask once a week, and moisturize 2x a day

Apr 30, 2015

Elizabeth A.

I swear by the Aloe Vera line at The Body Shop and use their vitamin c microdermabrasion twice a week to help fade scaring

Apr 30, 2015

Diana T.

I think it depends on the type of acne - when you say bumps do you mean a lot of small raised bumps or is it like one giant tomato red bump that's painful?

Apr 30, 2015

Zeleste r.

I had terrible breakouts but then I started using the garnier chorcol clear skin &It's the best thing to me I Love it it made the texture of my skin smooth &I just use that &sometimes exfoliate.