Good Eye Creams?


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Apr 30, 2015

Leslie D.

Yess they are :( , but thank you breeze!!

Apr 29, 2015

Breeze T.

*are they

Apr 29, 2015

Breeze T.

I absolutely love and will repurchase Erborian Ginseng Infusion Total actually helped with my dark circles which amazed me! I really didn't expect it to do much other than replenish and moisturize but it did so much more! I'm almost out and I need to buy more, it's a great product!

Note that nothing will actually get rid of your dark circles, ate they genetic? If so, you're kinda stuck with them...but mine are genetic and I've seen some improvement!

Also, drinking lots of water, getting plenty of sleep and avoiding salty food can improve your dark circles!

Apr 29, 2015

Leslie D.

Thank you rebecca! ill definatly look into it :)

Apr 29, 2015

Rebecca J.

I like Khiel's avocado eye cream. It's not drug store but you need the tinest bit so a tub lasts a long time!

Apr 29, 2015

Leslie D.

Hello :) , I was wondering if any of you know of a good eye cream, I've never used one before or know any types so I'm sorry if I'm not being very specific. all I know is I want to get rid of my dark circles lol. I would really appreciate yalls help :)! ohhh also I would prefer drug store products.