Help, not allowed to wear makeup.


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Apr 27, 2015

Mariana M.

I'm not allowed to wear makeup how are some ways I can help my skin. (I have a little acne) and tips would be very helpful.

Apr 27, 2015

Alexis C.

Have a proper skincare routine using products that are suited for your skin type. You should at least use a cleanser, eye cream, and a moisturizer. A face mask used at least once a week and exfoliating should help as well (:

Apr 27, 2015

yadira e.

I recently started breaking out and I bought ivory bar soap (I heard it helped) it was only 2$ at my local pharmacy and I started washing my face with ivory and cold water and it helped my skin so much , I suggest you try it. It did miracles for me

Apr 27, 2015

Mariana M.

thanks guys

Apr 27, 2015

Reese S.

Acne is a sign of an internal imbalance so if you don't mind me asking, do you eat relatively healthy and drink lots of water? Do you exercise at all? Because it is influenced by what we put/what is in our bodies it sometimes is just genetic. I se Cetaphil face wash because it is gentle and won't irritate my skin and is affordable! And depending on your skin type, the kind of moisturizer could range from oil free for oily or a heavy one for dry! Exfoliating once or twice a week will remove dead skin and unclog pores and face masks help as well!

Apr 27, 2015

Mariana M.

I do eat healthy and I exercise a lot I'm a dancer but I only have like 5 to 10 bumps.

Apr 27, 2015

Gabby M.

I feel like everybody always has a couple small breakouts so don't worry about them too much :) for the past month I've been drinking about a cup or two of water (more if you can!) every day, and I've noticed a huge difference in my skin! I literally havent gotten one bad breakout, and most of my little bumps/redness is gone! So I really suggest you try that, plus its super easy :)

Apr 27, 2015

Fifi D.

You don't need to wear makeup, a lot of my acne issues came about when I wore makeup daily! Wash your face EVERYDAY. And moisturise afterwards so your skin isn't dry. I love Neutrogena Naturals Purifying Cleanser followed by Aveeno Clear Complexion moisturiser at night. I wash my face with Cetaphil Oil Control Foaming Cleanser in the morning and follow with the Oil Control lotion because it has the best SPF.
The thing is to wash your face but not overdo it (For a while I didn't wash my face in the morning because it was too much but Cetaphil's cleanser is very gentle so I use it in the morning.) or forget to moisturise!

Apr 27, 2015

Zeleste r.

Putting makeup on your acne is the worst to do. I was the same way I had little breakouts here&there then I started wearing makeup next thing I knew it I had serious breakouts. makeup blocks your pores so you do have to be careful with that honestly drink ALOT OF water everyday &it'll help

Apr 27, 2015

Gisell G.

Makeup won't help your skin, a proper skincare routine like Alexis said will. A cleanser is a must, like the cetaphil is good & a moisturizer is also a must make sure it has SPF to protect your skin from the sun

Apr 28, 2015

Mariana M.

Thanks guys for the help I will definitely try it.