Makeup for dark under eye circles?


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Apr 27, 2015

Isabella T.

Thank you!!❤️

Apr 27, 2015

Isabella T.

I have brown eyes! and they are more a purple dark color.

Apr 27, 2015

Kat H.

You hit the nail on the head - a lack of sleep is a major contributor! As are other factors like smoking, drinking, etc. And you should make sure you are drinking plenty of water, as well. You can always use a nightly under eye cream - Boots No.7 makes a good one, and use a skin-brightening cream for the daytime. Other than that, I agree with Les. N above as far as concealer options. GET SOME REST!! :-p.

Apr 27, 2015

Les N.

If they are purple use a yellow toned corrector then apply your concealer on top
if they are blue apply a peach/salon toned corrector and concealer on top.

Apr 27, 2015

Les N.

What color are they?

Apr 27, 2015

Isabella T.

Hi! so I have hereditary under eye dark circles and I also don't get that much sleep. but I wanted to know what kind of makeup and how I can use it for it to make them less visible!!