Simplicity goes a long way!!


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Jan 21, 2015

Dominique L.

Sometimes less is more!!

Jan 22, 2015

Shelley W.

Simply gorgeous Dominique. What products did you use to achieve this look? The reason why I ask is because when we post selfies its best to list products to create a dialogue amongst everyone. In the past we had problems with folks clogging up the feed with selfie posts without listing any deets and it bogged down posts that had relevent questions/reviews. As long as you list products used your post won't be subject to possible deletion.

Jan 22, 2015

Angela J.

Plus when I see a look that I love, like this one, it's awesome to be able to recreate it but that's so difficult when we don't know what's been used:(

Jan 22, 2015

Alma M.

Wow Shelley you took the words out of my mouth lol ;)I must add No deletion happens if you just post a picture but it's preferred you add content of your looks to help gain dialogue so that it helps prevent your thread from getting lost in the mix of other's hence why this thread is not getting any feed back.Also if you just want to post a look with no content it's best to just post it on your profile so it uploads onto the picture forums instead. Angela I understand this is why we ask all to add the product use,it helps other's try to achieve the look as well. I think it's needed, as always Thanks ladies :)

Jan 23, 2015

Tiffany B.

Your skin looks amazing, I am interested in the products you used as well.

Jan 25, 2015

Dominique L.

Thanks guys!! I'm just now seeing this!! NYX is Def my fave brand!! I prime my face first with NYX primer, loreal true to match lumi makeup *one shade darker than my skin* then I use L'Or?al true match *n8* to blend!!

Jan 25, 2015

Dominique L.

Very true @shelley W. I appreciate that!! I'll Def keep that in mind in the future.

Jan 25, 2015

Dominique L.

Thank you so much Tiffany!!